Tuesday, February 9, 2010

week 6

As I work towards reaching my goals as they relate to technology integration, I have become aware of a number of challenges. I have also become aware of a plethora of web 2.0 tools that can support learning. My greatest challenge is having the opportunity to use these tools in the classroom. I find it very frustrating, at times, that I am unable to access tools that I feel would benefit my students. I am continuing my quest to find tools that allow me to design activities to address specific standards by engaging my students in “real world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources,” an ISTE standard. This often presents a major hurdle.

A very large component of my Game Plan involves participating in professional development. This meets the goal that calls on teachers to continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in the school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Towards this end, I have attended numerous training sessions and one state-level conference. I will attend my next conference March 3-5 in Raleigh, North Carolina. I am also mentoring 7 other teachers in the use of technology as a tool for engaging students in a safety and mobility curriculum. This process is on-going as I provide both remediation for my peers as well as participate in trainings myself. As a relatively new college graduate, I realize that my awareness of the use of technology still leaves room for growth. I am committed to using these tools as I realize that my students will live in a global world.


  1. I agree with you that there is so much out there. However I too share in your frustrations. It seems like there are barriers to using some of these technologies. Whether it is that I do not know about them, money or internet safety it seems like there are many roadblocks that I am having to conquer which makes integrating these technologies more difficult.

    Keep plugging away at it. The students will benefit the most from these technologies as teachers like you integrate them into your everyday teaching.

  2. Ms. C.,
    I can relate with the frustrations of the roadblocks that exist when it comes to using certain Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. I so desperately would like to blog but have found that it is impossible due to protection and privacy of the students. I am glad to see you are not giving up and continuing to seek out useful Web 2.0 tools in your classroom.
    I have said it before but I'll say it again, I am so impressed with your eagerness to learn about technology integration. You have definitely taken it to the next step with your staff development and your observations. I am also a recent college graduate and admire your eagerness to get out there and learn as much as possible. Good luck as you continue to reach your goals and as you make new ones.


  3. Ms. C,

    I can also relate to not having access to web 2.0 tools. I have been unable to implement a few useful tools that we have learned about at Walden. I have learned not to let it upset bme because it is what it is. I have put in a few petitions to access certain sites. That might be something you could do as well. I figure if they deny my request then I atleast know I tried.
