Tuesday, February 16, 2010

week 7

I plan to use my GAME plan with my students to help them develop proficiency in the technology standards through a number of strategies. I believe that students will learn to use the various technological tools available to them on an “as needed” basis. For that reason, I plan to provide opportunities for my students to collaborate to engage in problem-solving. I also plan to ask students to share their findings and conclusions creatively. I will introduce two or three technologies and allow students to select the technology that provides the best opportunity for them to share their ideas.

As students gain confidence in using technological tools, I plan to introduce various resources to them. These will include, but not be limited to accessing free audio files, locating free graphics for use in presentations, and web 2.0 tools that can be used to “tell stories.” However, because my students are very young, I will outline my growth plan for the students. With each project, I will provide opportunities for the students to grow their skills. In doing so, I will consider the NETS-S standards to ensure that my students are moving to master these. I believe that my responsibilities here are similar to those in other curriculum areas. I will develop the GAME plan and lead my students through this plan. I plan to communicate my plan to parents and students.


  1. Ms. C,
    Our students can never start too early. I believe incorporating these standards would be a challenge at such a young age, but you are doing a great service to your students and to the teachers whom will get your students one day. It is kind of like the high school teacher thanking the elementary teacher for ensuring their young students memorize their math facts; this will benefit them tremendously in the future.
    Best of luck implementing your plan,
    Stephanie Coultrip

  2. Ms. C.,

    I think your GAME Plan for students makes alot of sense. You are right; young students cannot really develop their own GAME Plan, but offering your students choice in the tools and ways they complete their projects, helps them develop independent thinking skills. Nice work!


  3. Ms. C.,
    I too work with young students and I like your idea of introducing one or two technology tools at a time. Students can become overwhelmed when too much is shown at once. Also, students don't have the opportunity to really master a program if they only use it one or two times before moving on to another one. Keeping an outlined growth plan will not only benefit you so that you can visually see student progress, I think it will also help your students because they will be able to see their areas of strength and weakness. Kepp up the good work!

