Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 3

To carry out my GAME plan I will continue working to integrate the web 2.0 tools I learned about at the use the SC EdTech conference this past fall. I will be attending the NC state technology conference in the spring to gather more resources. I have also come to the realization that there are a number of instructional videos available on You Tube that provide tutorials for using many of the new tools I have learned about. I plan to continue “practicing” so that I can use the new technologies I learned about in the Fall as well as those I hope to learn about in March. I will also gather new information from my fellow classmates in this masters class. Additional information needed with the be actual experiences I have while practicing my GAME plan.
I realize that I need to continue growing my skills as a writing teacher so that I can fully use technology to support my students in their writing activities. As I develop new strategies for writing instruction, I also realize that I need to provide my students more opportunities to collaborate…to problem-solve. Ideally, I would like to observe master teachers who are successfully teaching writing and who are engaging their students in collaborative projects.
Steps I have taken so far to reach my GAME plan include: reading fellow students’ game plans to gather new ideas. As my masters program progresses, I am becoming increasingly aware of strategies to fully integrate technology as an instructional tool. I have gained insight from reviewing posts from other students as well as by conference attendance. I find that as I read and attend professional development opportunities, I am able to really “know what I am looking for.” I have also been afforded opportunities to share the ideas I am gathering with other teachers in my school both in whole-faculty meetings and in small groups. I am currently mentoring a group of 8 other teachers in the use of some of the tools I have discovered this year. All of these activities are furthering my “GAME” plan.


  1. Hi Ms. C.,

    It is great that you are mentoring other teachers in integrating technology into their lessons. Mentoring also strengthens your skills as well! How long have you been teaching? I am in my 20th year of teaching music. Before I started this Master's program, I worked to attain my National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification. I received help from another music teacher who had already attained her certification. I acquired more skills and understandings through working with her. I know there are many National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in the Southest region of the US. Maybe by asking within your district, you could locate an NBCT who is a writing teacher who integrates technology in his/her lessons. My principal has provided professional days to allow teachers to observe master teachers teaching. Maybe your principal would be willing to give you this opportunity. Professional conferences, as you mentioned, are another wonderful resource to extend your skills and understandings. My music education conference begins next Wednesday, I can't wait!


  2. I like how you are taking time to mentor other teachers. I am sure that this is highly appreciated and needed. How did you hear about the technology conference? I am sure that there is a wealth of information to be learned and a conference like that is a great way to do so. It sounds exciting.

    I agree that learning how to integrate these technologies with the writing instruction is important. THey need to be taught in a way that is useful alongside the curriculum and will in turn enhance what is being presented to your students.

    I am excited to read about your further implementation of your GAME plan!

  3. Ms. C,
    I love that you are going beyond our courses at Walden and are taking advantage of a staff development that involves technology. This is a personal goal for me as well. Also, I want to encourage you to share what you have learned at the staff development with your co-workers. This is something I have really tried to do as I learn new things from our courses.

    I thought your idea to observe a master teacher is a great idea. We get the opportunity to observe quite frequently at my school and I think that it is a great chance to see new and creative ideas

    Sounds like you are one your way to meeting your goals!


  4. Ms. C.,
    Wow! I am impressed with your initiative to not only learn more about the great things we are learning through our graduate work but that you are already extending what you have learned to your colleagues.

    Your idea to observe a master teacher is one that is so beneficial. Two years ago, I had this opportunity to observe one of the best elementary writing teachers in our area. I had read her books and implemented her strategies in my own classroom but nothing was more beneficial than actually see her in action. It brought everything into perspective.
    Good luck with everything and way to go!


  5. Ms. C,
    Great post and great development towards becoming a techie. Going to technology fairs are excellant experiences, but do you feel you grasp the concepts of the "how to" with the tools? That is always my concern about going to them. How about teacher technology seminars; do you have many in your area? As for a northern Ohio teacher we do not see much in our area. I did go to a seminar about using cell phones in school and there were many great free tools to use; as long as you had an unlimited texting plan. I used it once in class, but the use of phones in our school is frowned upon. The kids loved it though.

    Another development strategy you discuss was the mentoring program you are aiding. That is such a great idea for teachers. I should consider something like that. Collaborately in that fashion could be very resourceful. You would be surprised what everyone could share.

    Good information. Thank you
    Stephanie Coultrip

  6. Since I have become a teacher I have grown to appreciate the term FREE. Don’t get me wrong I have always enjoyed FREE things; however, I have also believed that you get what you pay for. If an item is FREE then there is probably a reason why. My views on FREE have changed. With the increase of new technologies, quality products can be delivered to use at little to no cost. Technologies like, you mentioned, YouTube can now deliver instructional videos to us when we used to have to pay to go sit through the same instruction. I now love FREE, especially as a teacher. I look forward to reading more of your ideas and you progress towards your professional goals.

